dimanche 4 octobre 2009

Lisbon treaty approval in Ireland, a step forward for European construction.

In his way to create a superstate, Europe has moved a step closer recently, following the Irish Lisbon treaty approval, with more than two thirds of "Yes". Only Poland and Czech Republic still have to set up an approval by now. Ireland Republic had say No to the previous referendum in 2008, which had been seen as a step back in European superstate construction. Last week agreement has now paved the road for this european wish. I have read several papers dealing with this piece of news, provided by The Daily Telegraph, The Guardian, The Times and The Daily Mail.

First of all, The Daily Telegraph presents positive statements towards Ireland recovery, based on quotation from famous chairmans, even though opposition critisizes this approval. But it was a key to Ireland Republic to face better crisis consequences. This would be likely to protect billions of american past years investments. Nowadays Ireland is no longer able to stay out of Europe construction, because recession and last June "No" voted have increased Ireland debt. It is said that this proposal includes plan to introduce a new European president, accelerate the decision making-process in the 27-bloc group, commitments to expand renewable energy, research and development and tourism. This approval is necessary for Ireland recovery, even though results must be expected in a long term view. This article states that the massive yes shows off Irish people are likely to accept to make decisions as a part of Europe and no longer as an independant republic. Gordon Brown said Europe can now start to work together.

The Times sets up a comparison betwin political views in Ireland. To the opponents, such a big Yes win means how scared Irish people are nowadays. “I’m surprised how big the Yes vote is. It just shows how scared people are.” said the leader of the anti Lisbon lobby group Declan Ganley. He praised quality and strength of the pro-Lisbon campaign. This comparison is kind of neutral, it presents reactions after results of both opponents.

Daily Mail's article is quite well written. It starts with a presentation of the Lisbon treaty scheme and his main proposals. It insists on Europe made a step forward thanks to Irish decision to approve the treaty. Then, the journalist starts an analysis of Irish behaviour shown by this vote. To him it means an important fear of current situation, a fear of becoming jobless and the lack of confidence in Ireland to govern herself.

References :

- http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/economics/6258132/Lisbon-Treaty-approval-could-save-Ireland-200m-a-year-in-debt-costs.html

- http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/uk/article6859950.ece#

- http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1217950/So-Ireland-votes-yes-Lisbon-treaty-1000-years-history-ends-like-this.html

1 commentaire:

  1. Good understanding of the issue and comparison of coverage. What doe these articles tell you? I need to see a bit more critical analysis. You understand the "how" but what about the "why" - in your opinion. As was said in class I'd like to see more of your own opinion next time. 6/10
